A new proud Dad moment
Well, it seems that I'm managing to post something about every 2 weeks or so. Not too bad, I guess, since this is more of just personal musings and not my job or anything. Actually, more happens than I post, but sometimes, it's hard to get it put down before the muse passes.
This past Wednesday, I had another proud Dad moment. Lana, Kenny, and I went to our Awana's awards banquet. For those of you who don't know, Awanas is a Wednesday night Bible study for the local kids, pre k through 6th grade, in our area. Lana and I both help out. I'm a handbook leader, read: one more big kid in the room.
This year was Kenny's first year in the club. He's a cubby, part of the pre-k group. They're a bunch of rambunctious kids, who get a litle study time in with memory verses, some play time, it's a blast. Part of the program was for them to get up and sing the Awanas Cubby song. It really went off very well, especially considering it was several kids in the 3-5 year old range.
They were all up there singing and actually staying pretty still and I realized something. This is the first, organized, show, presentation, skit, whathaveyou, that Kenny is participating in.
It almost brought a tear to my eye. It really made me proud of him to stand up there and do his thing with the rest of the kids. I just started smiling a large, ear to ear grin.
It really was nice see that production and it started me thinking about all of the other shows, events that lie ahead for our family. It's going to be a great ride. Especially with another little one on the way. That one is due at the end of September!
Being a Dad rocks!
That's the little man there, 3rd from the left.
Another great thing about this program is all of the local kids that it can reach. Our program averaged 100 kids each Wednesday night. Also, 50 workers were there helping out in one way or another. That's a lot of love going around out there. We're very blessed to have a program like this for the local kids.
Since, I've now figured out how to post pictures to this, I'll post a few from Seaworld a few weeks ago. Until next time!

Yes, we're on that ride!

The Aftermath
This past Wednesday, I had another proud Dad moment. Lana, Kenny, and I went to our Awana's awards banquet. For those of you who don't know, Awanas is a Wednesday night Bible study for the local kids, pre k through 6th grade, in our area. Lana and I both help out. I'm a handbook leader, read: one more big kid in the room.
This year was Kenny's first year in the club. He's a cubby, part of the pre-k group. They're a bunch of rambunctious kids, who get a litle study time in with memory verses, some play time, it's a blast. Part of the program was for them to get up and sing the Awanas Cubby song. It really went off very well, especially considering it was several kids in the 3-5 year old range.
They were all up there singing and actually staying pretty still and I realized something. This is the first, organized, show, presentation, skit, whathaveyou, that Kenny is participating in.
It really was nice see that production and it started me thinking about all of the other shows, events that lie ahead for our family. It's going to be a great ride. Especially with another little one on the way. That one is due at the end of September!
Being a Dad rocks!
That's the little man there, 3rd from the left.
Another great thing about this program is all of the local kids that it can reach. Our program averaged 100 kids each Wednesday night. Also, 50 workers were there helping out in one way or another. That's a lot of love going around out there. We're very blessed to have a program like this for the local kids.
Since, I've now figured out how to post pictures to this, I'll post a few from Seaworld a few weeks ago. Until next time!
Yes, we're on that ride!
The Aftermath
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