What do you take for granted?
Ok, so I'm not the most mechanically inclined person in the world. I'm fairly handy, but at times, my patience, or occasional lack of, can get the best of me. Well, Wednesday night, it got me again. I'm trying to change the blades on my lawn mower, they needed it badly, and I'm having trouble loosening the nut that holds the right blade on. I won't go into all of the details, which includes not taking time to go inside, find some WD40 (which I found today) and loosen that nut so I can easily change the blades. No, I just figured I'd use some good old fashioned brute force and loosen it that way. It worked, a little too well. My right hand slipped off the blade and without looking, I knew it wasn't good. Oh, it wasn't that bad, 11 stitches and 12 chicken wings (I know they're horrible for you, but it's a rare guilty pleasure I take) later, I'm back hom e marveling at my right hand. Heck, I actually caught a few innings of a baseball game while...